This is my submission for Pixel Mixer's Contest on May 2017, for the 'Dance' theme.My huge thank you to all the amazing musicians that helped make this happen:_ CapnCrockett/Joe Davey (Banjo & Washtub Bass): Videogames33k (Trumpet & Trombone): TylerNJazz (Trumpet): TheMusicalGamer (Piano): Me (Horrible Sounding Tenor Sax & Drums)Coudn't have done it without you guys!
Download sheet music for Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. Choose from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island sheet music for such popular songs as Flower Garden, Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island Athletic Theme, and Yoshi's Island Ground Background Music. Print instantly, or sync to our free PC, web and mobile apps.
- Genre
- Jazz y Blues
Comment by Bangu Banguso
Great solo!!!
Comment by Agus Rios
@messire_cookie: I coudn't have done with all these great dudes playing so good!
Comment by Agus Rios
@psycosulu: Thank you!
Comment by Agus Rios
@hashel-05: <3
Comment by Hashel
This is so vintage, it's really well done, it just sounds so 'real', like Psycosulu said it is really authentic, well done!

Comment by psycosulu
Really love the authentic sound to this. Really nice collaboration. :D
Comment by David Kiraeth
Amazing collab! Love this retro style, really original and rather unique in these contests. Well done to all of you!
Since I've made so many by now, I decided there should be an actual page.
This list will be in reverse chronological order, so the newest files will appear at the top. Where applicable, in the small text below each title, I will include a YouTube link to a performance of someone using my score, or possibly a rendered MP3 or MIDI file.
This is not a definitive 'all VGM that Tom Brier has played' page. This page will contain only scores that I made. Some of the things I've shown Tom were scores made by others. Also, there are many things here that Tom has not played.
While some of these tunes were transcribed by me, many were transcribed by others and I just wrote them down properly. I may have used an existing transcription or MIDI file as a basis for my score.
Q: Why did you do tune X when there's already a sheet on site Y? — A: Because the sheet on site Y was an unreadable mess, inaccurate, too simple, or a combination of the three.
Q: Why don't you put your scores on site Y? — A: Because site Y requires scores to be made in Finale. I don't use Finale. They also insist that they put a copyright to their site on the scores, which morally is even more wrong than presenting these scores in the first place. They also insist that the person who makes a score put his name as an 'arranger' even if there's little to no real arranging involved. I don't have the kind of ego that allows me to do that. As a musician and composer myself, I can't justify putting my name as an arranger unless I really added something. Just filling out chords here and there doesn't count (and most people don't even do that much).
Q: Why aren't there MIDI files for everything? — A: Because it takes work that I don't want to do. Yes, I could export from the scoring program, but that would make for a really crappy-sounding MIDI file. I only want to present a MIDI file here if work has gone into making it sound decent (i.e. has clipped notes, shading, accents, the right swing if necessary, etc.).
Remember that sheet music is not gospel. It tells you what is being said, but it is up to you to say it. Just as you can say the same thing using different words, so you can play the same tune using different notes. Simplify or complicate the tunes to suit your skill and desire. This is what being a musician is all about. You are not a robot.
- Tavern Theme (Bar Fight), from Dragon Quest VIII — 26 October 2017
- A cute little boogie-woogie number that a YouTuber suggested to me. The original has no ending, so I wrote a little Coda for it to play after the reprise of the first strain. MIDI file.
- Horse Race, from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time as improvised by Tom Brier — 12 June 2017
- Cezary Sławecki transcribed this into MIDI. I've written it out and made a few corrections to obvious wrong notes that Tom played, and in places where I think Cezary's transcription was slightly off — thinking logically about what Tom is likely to have played or intended to play. This is how Tom sight-read and improvised off the incredibly simple published score in this video.
- Cooking Mama Theme — 16 July 2016
- The entire game soundtrack consists of ragtime tunes, so I expect I'll be transcribing more numbers from it. The chords in the first strain here are rather advanced — a lot of ninths and sixths. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier
- Dogsong, from Undertale — 18 November 2015
- Some people have been suggesting I create sheet music for something from this popular indie game, so I've done this one. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier
- Korobeiniki (a.k.a. Tetris A Theme) as improvised by Tom Brier — 20 August 2015
- Cezary Sławecki transcribed this into MIDI. I've written it out, also transcribed the ending, and made a few corrections to wrong notes after confering with Tom. This is how Tom played the famous old Russian folk song when I gave him a nine-measure lead sheet of it a few years ago in this video.
- Death Rag from Steven Universe — 14 August 2015
- I've never seen the show, but this is a cute little tune. An existing transcription I found had some wrong/missing notes, so I re-transcribed the piece myself. Sight-read performance by Andrew Barrett
- Casino Theme from Dragon Quest IV — 18 March 2015
- This is a nice little jazzy tune. It was somewhat awkward to translate to the piano. Some re-arranging might be necessary to make it a little more pianistic. The tune originally was an endless loop, but I wrote a simple ending in this score. I just sounds right to end it on a 9th chord, so I wanted to make sure one was written in there.
- Kirby's Gourmet Race — 18 March 2015
- It's not a particularly interesting tune, but people keep asking me for it, so here it is. It is impossible to play it at full speed without grossly simplifying the left hand. For the sake of the piano, I have altered the melody somewhat, using neighboring tones in place of rapid repeated notes which in the original were played by flutter-tonguing on a flute and trumpet.
- The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon from Doctor Who — 18 March 2015
- I've always wanted to transcribe this, and finally have. I wrote it up as a song sheet in the key of D, which is the key in which Lynda Baron sings it in the show. Peter Purves sang it in E, as the key of D may be a bit too low for a tenor. Perhaps a score in the key of F would would be a good alternatve that I could make. Note that there's currently an error in the score: I wrote 4th time to Coda when it should be 3rd time to Coda as there are only three verses that I included. There are more verses used in the show, but they are related to the plot of the story; the verses I chose are generic enough to stand alone. As much as I hate it when the Old West and ragtime are anachronistically put together in Westerns, I couldn't help but love this song — it isn't really ragtime, though the piano accompaniment is, and one of the verses mentions 'a ragtime piano'.
- Tiny Toon Adventures Theme — 18 March 2015
- I saw that Tom Brier and Julia Riley had the old weird-looking score that had been published in Sheet Music Magazine a long time ago, and decided that they should have a better-looking score, so I made this one for them.
- Bad Piggies Theme — 13 February 2015
- With a lot of instruments in play, and some places difficult to hear properly, I had to make some arrangement choices for this one. It came out pretty good though, I think.
- Last Rag, from Devil May Cry — 17 November 2014
- Several years ago someone sent me a transcription and MIDI file of this, but it was obviously so full of errors that I knew I'd have to transcribe it from the original recording myself. I've finally gotten around to doing so. It's in the key of G-flat (six flats), so be prepared for a lot of double-flats. It seems that there are both games and anime versions of Devil May Cry. I don't know from which this tune originated. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier
- Stride MARISA from Touhou Project's Super Marisa Land — 13 November 2014
- This is a stride arrangement of the first level music of a doujinshi (fan-produced) game created by 'ZUN' based on a series called Touhou Project... I think that's right. This arrangement by 'Tai no Kobone' was created for the Touhou Jazz 2008 album. A couple years ago, someone sent me the original MIDI file saying he'd gotten permission to send it to me for transcribing. I kept putting it off until now. I could have figured out a way to do repeats, but there's usually a slight difference each time the main theme plays, so it's written out long form, taking up eight pages.
- Ragtime from Courage the Cowardly Dog — 12 November 2014
- It's just eight measures. Someone sent me a video of somebody else playing this, but the sheet music provided in the video link was so bad that I thought it must have been of something else! Thus I decided to write it down myself. I actually don't recall hearing this in the show, but it's been a while since I've seen it, so I guess I just forgot.
- Doraemon's Song (1979, 1992) — 9 November 2014
- Both versions are very similar, but there were a few slight differences that I noticed, so I made two scores. This was the theme of the most popular cartoon on Japanese TV for nearly 30 years. It's so cute, and yet no piano arrangements out there were anywhere near adequate. I'm thinking of adding the lyrics to the scores, but haven't done so as of yet. Listen to a MIDI rendition of the 1979 version or the 1992 version.
- Jesters of the Moon, from Final Fantasy IX — 16 September 2014
- The Japanese title has a double meaning. Visually, it appears to mean Jesters of the Moonless Clear Sky. However, when spoken aloud, it could be heard to mean Jesters of Unlucky Fortune. The second part of the original piece has a piano and an organ doing a few different things, so in this arrangement I have the piano part first, then a return to the main theme, and then the second part again with an arrangement incorporating more of the dissonant organ chords, moving the melody into the left hand. It works pretty well like this, I think. On that second time around, there are some small-size cue notes which are not necessary to play; use them as an extra instrument's voice if you have a band playing it, or you can try including them on the piano if you like a challenge. Sight-read performance by Andrew Barrett
- Orion Plaza, from Blast Corps — 30 August 2014
- I've never seen or heard of this game, but one of my YouTube subscribers suggested it to me yesterday, so this morning I transcribed it. Cute little number, isn't it? I had seen a couple other transcriptions out there — one MIDI file rendered on YouTube and one sheet music on a web site — but both of them had errors, so I made my own transcription, as I usually have to do, it seems!
- Vultureville Saloon, from Conker's Pocket Tales — 12 July 2013
- As much as I hate to perpetuate the Hollywood myth that ragtime was played in the Wild West (wrong time period; wrong demographics!), I couldn't deny this cute little ragtime number that backed a Wild West scene in a 1999 GameBoy Color game. I didn't fill out the score other than a few strategic uses of octaves in the left hand. It's probably easier to play if you fill out the chords rather than try to hit just the two at a time that the primitive synthesizer engine played. While this tune was an infinite loop of course, I created a simple ending for the piece in this score. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Level Clear Theme, from Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon — 29 April 2013
- I've been playing the game and thought this tune was fun, so finally I decided to try transcribing it. Mitch Norris helped me find corrections for two chords since I first uploaded this. One was significant: I had missed a 4-3 suspension completely. The other chord's change is very minimal and not really noticeable: What I thought was a sus4 was really an 11th chord. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Teehee Valley, from Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga — 9 March 2013
- This is a cute little Western-type tune that someone brought to my attention this morning. It has parallel fifths all over the place, but there it is. If the minor tenth before the repeat is too difficult, you can play its top note (the B-flat) with the right hand and use the sostenuto pedal or sustain pedal to hold it across the bars.
- Mr Bean Theme — 16 January 2013
- On his web site, composer Howard Goodall posted sheet music of some of his most popular TV show themes. The theme to Mister Bean was written for organ and chorus, so to play it on the piano meant reading six staffs at once. I thought it would be easier for me to learn it if I re-wrote it as strictly a piano score, so I did. (And immediately I was able to play it much better!) The words, by the way, are Ecce homo qui est faba for the opening ('Behold the man who is a bean') and Vale homo qui es faba for the ending ('Farewell, man who is a bean').
- Putt & Putter In-Game Music — 9 November 2012
- Whereas the theme was in C, this in-game music is in D-flat. You might be able to transpose one of them and play them both together as a two-strain piece. I haven't tried it yet, so I'm not sure how cohesive they would sound together in the same key.
- Putt & Putter Theme — 8 November 2012
- A 1991 game from Sega Game Gear, apparently.
- Jijy no Rag, from Phantasy Star IV — 1 November 2012
- Remember to play it with a shuffle swing. Note the hand-crossing at the end of the first strain. Performance by Hiroki Niwa (he opts not to hand-cross but instead do a more difficult jump with the right hand).
- Ragtime from The Incredible Machine 3 — 1 November 2012
- Normally I would use an 8va line for those high notes in the first strain, but as it is a rewrite of Maple Leaf Rag, and Maple Leaf didn't use an 8va line, I decided not to. Performance by Hiroki Niwa (starts with the actual Maple Leaf Rag, and played with a lot of rubato). I have updated this score based on his fingering of the end of the second strain.
- Cool Cool Mountain / Snow Mountain, from Super Mario 64 — 1 November 2012
- This basic theme is also known as the Slider theme and Bob-omb Battlefield (when played with a Latin rhythm). The tune was transcribed for band by Mitch Norris, and I arranged it for piano. At the end there are some optional cue notes you can choose instead of the main melody, or include if you have other instruments around. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier (reading an older version of the score).
- Super Mario Land 2 Ending Theme — 31 October 2012
- In the second section, there is a second voice that cannot be played by a solo pianist. A few notes have been made cue size; these are notes that I suggest leaving out as a soloist. It is barely possible to work those notes in if you are really quick at long jumps and are adept at using the sostenuto pedal. Otherwise, you might transpose, or get another instrument involved, make something up — whatever you want to do. The Fine actually is a bar too soon, for it is 15 bars into the strain. Ideally you'll want to add an extra beat there, e.g. replace that low G with a D7 chord then follow it on the next beat 1 with a resolving G chord. The original tune, of course, loops forever. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Rainbow Connection in ragtime — 16 October 2012
- The original tune changes key up a half step and repeats. I just made this arrangement to kill a couple hours, so didn't bother with a key change, other than to transpose the whole thing into A-flat, which is an easier key for playing ragtime. MIDI file.
- Click Clock Wood, from Banjo-Kazooie — 5 August 2012
- I incorporated bits from all four seasons into this — even some bits that were in the waltz version, though this version is strictly in 2/4 time. There is a big jump in the left hand at the end of those triplet tremolos, so the final three notes were made cue sized. You can skip them if the jump is too hard; it'll still sound all right. MIDI file. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Bubble Bobble Theme — 21 July 2012
- Like many of these tunes that originally played in an infinite loop, I didn't write an ending into the score. It's up to you to improvise your own. It's not hard to do, really! Sight-read performance by Andrew Barrett.
- Windy Overworld, from Conker's Bad Fur Day — 17 July 2012
- This version is in the easier-to-read key of B-flat. This arrangement was by Alvin Hessing. I wrote it down for him, though he had arranged it in the original key of A Major. The composer of this tune, Robin Beanland, has agreed that the B-flat version is more sensible. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier (B-flat version). MIDI file (A Major version).
- Casino Night, from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 — 17 July 2012
- This has both a ragtime-style march left hand with bass notes and chords, and the original walking jazz bass line on a small ossia staff. You can play either (do not play both, as the bass notes will not agree with each other between the two versions). The chord names are provided so you can improvise more chord notes in the right hand should you want to play the walking bass line. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Andy Asteroids / Banjo Race, from Earthworm Jim — 15 July 2012
- There are some measures with two different descending figures, one in optional cue size. You can choose to play either (or if you have a band, different instruments can play both). The different instruments are named that so you know what instrument you should be emulating, or where you might want to have different instruments take over the melody when playing in a band. Note that those tiny notes in the harmonica section are not grace notes; they're appoggiature, played on the beat instead of before like a grace note would be. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier (reading an older version of the score where I had hid the rests at the sound effects, thus sometimes he did not pause; also this is not the easiest tune to sight-read, so pardon some of the bigger gaffes like at the repeat).
- Game Corner, from Pokemon Red/Blue — 5 June 2012
- Another one where you're left to improvise an ending. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Blake's 7 Theme — 12 February 2012
- Although I arranged this for piano, I don't quite play it like this. Those rat-a-tat chords I actually play in the right-hand chord notes, keeping the left hand figure going. On bar 52, I neglected to put in a bracket indicating that the bottom two notes both should be played by the thumb, but it becomes kind of obvious when you try to hit that chord.
- The Old Chap, from Conker's Bad Fur Day — 3 January 2012
- Not very pianistic, really. This was thrown together without much thought, to be honest. Some chords are too low and things like that. I probably won't re-visit it, so here it is for what it's worth.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation theme in ragtime — 16 December 2011
- OK, technically this originated in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I did this for fun one day, so I could surprise Star Trek fan Tom Brier with it. He couldn't recognize the tune by looking at it, but then laughed the entire time he played it, pronouncing it 'classic!' That performance was not recorded. MIDI file.
- Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins theme — 15 November 2011
- Based on a performance by YouTuber 'trople', but fleshed out a bit more (e.g. he used a simplified left hand; I've added a proper march left hand). Instead of this version in the original keys of E and D, you might try a version in F and E-flat, which are more typical ragtime keys, thus you may find it easier to read. Sight-read performance by Andrew Barrett.
- Quenchless Curiosity, from Klonoa 2 — 10 November 2011
- Instead of this version in the original key of E, you might try a version in the key of F, which you may find easier to read. Performance by Hiroki Niwa (in E).
- Angry Birds Theme — 9 November 2011
- No real comments to make on this one. There it is. It could be better. I actually play it a little differently, but so can you! Sight-read performance by Tom Brier (challenged to imagine how it might sound if there were a silent-movie themed version of the game).
- Ending Theme from Super Mario World — 17 September 2011
- I never finished writing in the chord names, so that's a bit spotty. In the second time through the 2/4 section, I incorporated the piccolo part into the right hand. One of these days I should write the piccolo as a separate staff. Remember that while it's written in dotted rhythm, it is not actually played that way; dotted rhythm is just easier to read than a bunch of broken triplets. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Animaniacs Theme — 4 June 2011
- I had transcribed this back in the 1990s, but never wrote it down until recently. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Mameshiba Theme — 30 April 2011
- I couldn't help it; I had to transcribe the theme for those bizarre beandogs. Mameshiba is not a show or a game; it just is. They're the creation of a marketing company who decided to create something of their own to show how good they are at marketing products. They became quite the sensation. This score does not have any chords added; it's pretty basic, just like the original song. I include the lyrics in Japanese and Romaji text.
- Underwater Theme from Super Mario Bros. in various styles — 26 March 2011
- For fun, I decided to arrange this waltz in three other styles. First it's in ragtime
(2/4 time), then it's as a half-and-half(5/8 time), then it's as a march(6/8 time). MIDI file. - Brahms' Hungarian Dance No. 5 in ragtime — 24 March 2011
- For fun, I decided to arrange this classical piece in ragtime. MIDI file.
- Piano Rag from Animaniacs — 22 March 2011
- From the short Piano Rag in episode 7. It's in B and E, so prepare for a lot of sharps and double-sharps. I should just transpose it into C and F to make it easier to read. Put a little swing into the melody.
- Wallace & Gromit Theme — 10 January 2011
- This is a very, very basic score. The piccolo notes are just made up. It's not complete or anything, but was just thrown together for myself to learn to play a basic arrangement.
- Gumball Stage, from Sonic the Hedgehog 3, in ragtime — 18 December 2010
- Alvin Hessing had sent me a MIDI arrangement he did of this with a march left hand and some ragtime syncopation. I added some more syncopation and tweaks, and wrote it down. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier. MIDI file.
- Level 3 Theme, from Wario Blast — 24 November 2010
- Almost no effort went into this. It's not a particularly good score, and it's all scrunched in an effort to fit it on one page. The game was known as Bomberman GB in Japan. Sight-read performance by Andrew Barrett.
- Ragtime from Nocturnal Illusion — 17 November 2010
- When I was looking for the ragtime tune from Incredible Machine 3, I found this other tune called simply 'Ragtime' on a site of game MIDI files. It's a nice tune, so I condensed the orchestration into a piano solo score. Only afterward, as I tried to find out who the composer was, did I discover that the game was hentai. I did eventually find that the composer was Kazumichi Moegi. I haven't updated the score to show that yet. I should someday. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Ending Theme from The Legend of Zelda — 19 September 2010
- This is the tune that plays upon completion of the original Legend of Zelda game. You can do a lot with it, as the following video demonstrates. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Who Turned Out the Lights? from Earthworm Jim — 19 September 2010
- Listen for the quotes from Maple Leaf Rag in this one. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier (actually his second time playing it, but in the same initial sitting).
- Slide Show Part 2, from Final Fantasy VIII — 7 July 2010
- I started with a version from a Japanese book, but made corrections and additions based on a recording of Nobuo Uematsu playing it. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Treno: The City that Never Sleeps, from Final Fantasy IX — 3 July 2010
- I don't remember how I came across this one. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier. Performance by Hiroki Niwa.
- Hopping Mappy Theme — 3 July 2010
- I transcribed this one entirely myself. This game from 1986 was the sequel to the somewhat popular coin-op arcade game Mappy. I don't recall ever seeing Hopping Mappy, but I came across its music online when listening to the original Mappy theme. Performance by Hiroki Niwa. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- K.K. Ragtime, from Animal Crossing — 6 March 2010
- I transcribed this one myself, originally just the 'live' version and then made up a more fleshed-out 'aircheck' version off the top of my head. Now, this score has been edited so the 'aircheck' more closely matches the original, but a reprise retains my original made-up arrangement. For a fourth strain, I put the second strain in the same key as the 'aircheck' version, though in the game this strain is never played in that key. It just helps to fill out the piece. Performance by Tom Brier (not a sight-read this time, but from memory, though based on my original score, so, for instance, the intro to the new key is wrong). Performance by the Raspberry Jam Band (they are reading my original piano score). The brief bit of vocal in that video is me.
- Toy Pop Theme — 10 November 2009
- This arrangement came from a Japanese book. I wrote it down in a more sensible form (it was using three staffs in the second strain!). I also corrected a wrong note that was in the original game track, where the chord was not changing at a syncopation. Toy Pop was a coin-op arcade game that came out in 1986. It isn't one I remember ever seeing, so don't think it was very popular in North America. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Ghosts & Goblins Theme in ragtime — 22 October 2009
- YouTuber 'MrTrent' created this arrangement with his friend, and I wrote it down for them. The theme already was in ragtime; it just didn't have a march bass to make it a real rag. Well, now it does! I made a mistake in the score. The last bar of the second system, there's an F in the right hand that obviously should be a G-sharp. Performance by Hiroki Niwa (he uses an alternate intro based on a different version of the game, and then repeats the tune with the original arpeggio bass line). Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Yoshi Valley / Moo Moo Farm, from Mario Kart 64 & Mario Kart DS — 3 October 2009
- I think I condensed this from a band arrangement. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- The Chase, from Ms. Pac-Man — 19 September 2009
- I played a coin-op Ms. Pac-Man in a fit of nostalgia when I saw one at a movie theater, and when I got to this cut scene, I remembered what a fun little ragtime piece it was, so I had to go online, find a recording, and transcribe it. I didn't flesh it out with any chords, so it's very sparse. Performance by Hiroki Niwa (at 0:30 into this medley; he fleshes it out).
- Cantina Scene from Star Wars — 6 June 2009
- As other scores of this were terribly simplified, I went the other way, putting as many of the band voices into two hands as I could possibly fit, creating an arrangement that is theoretically possible, but technically improbable. The idea is that you can remove as much as you need to fit your skill level, or you can expand it back into a band arrangement as suits the available instruments. The tune has a lot of weird harmonies. It's up to you to decide how to do the part marked with a glissando. There are too many ways that sound OK, so I didn't want to write down any particular way. MIDI file.
- Humoresque of a Little Dog, from Mother / EarthBound — 17 May 2009
- Also known as Buy Somethin', Will Ya? I transcribed this from two different recordings, putting elements of both into this arrangement. I think one was from a soundtrack album and the other was from a Super Smash Bros. game. Note that the line over the intro is not an 8va but a 15ma, meaning the notes should be played two octaves higher than written. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier. Performance by Hiroki Niwa.
- Super Mario Bros. Theme — 25 November 2008
- I think I got this from Martin Leung's arrangement, and just wrote it down properly. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier (I had a badly chosen accidental on the version he's reading which made for a few extra mistakes in his first time through, but listen to what he does the second time around!).
- Animal Crossing: Wild World / City Folk Theme — 18 November 2008
- I had downloaded a band arrangement and condensed it for solo piano. Performance by Hiroki Niwa.
- The Roost, from Animal Crossing: Wild World / City Folk — 16 November 2008
- Arranged from a MIDI file I had downloaded on a Japanese site. Later, I saw that several other people already had made sheet music for this, but none of them had the correct time signature. The tune is in 12/8.
- Town Hall (Day), from Animal Crossing: Wild World / City Folk — 16 November 2008
- Transcribed by ear while listening to a MIDI file found on a Japanese site. (Figured it out before I even got around to loading it into a MIDI editor.)
- Super Mario Land Theme — 14 November 2008
- This is even more sparse than the original. There are no chords at all. I did this as a request for someone who sent me a simple MIDI version of it. I decided it would make a good tune to show to Tom Brier so he could demonstrate how you can flesh out these tunes that were written on primitive synthesizer chips that couldn't play more than three notes at a time. By the way, did you know that, in the original Japanese, it wasn't Birabuto, but Piraputo? Sight-read performance by Tom Brier — Transcription of that performance.
- Athletic Theme from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island — 14 August 2008
- Sometimes referred to as Hop Hop Donut Lifts. I think I used a band arrangement to create this piano score. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier, Julia Riley and Mark Meeker. Performance by the Raspberry Jam Band (they are reading my piano score).
- Overworld Theme from Super Mario Bros. 2 — 15 November 2007
- This was an arrangement by Hiroki Niwa which I re-scored to be cleaner and easier to read. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier (I told him to play it slowly; it sounds nice like this). Niwa's original performance.
- Athletic Theme from Super Mario World — 15 November 2007
- Arranged from a MIDI file I got somewhere. I'm not entirely certain it's accurate. I question some of the chords. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier.
- Spinach Rag from Final Fantasy VI — 11 August 2005
- Arranged from a MIDI file I got in an email back in the early 1990s (UUencode! whee!) from a Japanese visitor to my ragtime music web site who said his friend, Nobuo Uematsu, composed this for a game soundtrack. It was a decade later when I next saw the name and realized that maybe, in the new age of search engines, I could find out what game the tune was in. This score was made in an older music program (Encore, rather than Sibelius). It automatically barred all the eighth notes in the left hand, and I never bothered to spend the time to break them up like they should be. I also never bothered to write a chord tremolo correctly. Sight-read performance by Tom Brier (actually his second time playing it, but about six years after the first time, so it might as well be the first time).