Guys,I LOVE hardcore challenge(if not too unbalanced)but this...
I was enthusiastic of this,but I begin this and...on 1-1 I already left.
Reason=I never seen something SO BAD on a platform videogame,on 30 years of my life!
He's right on beginning message,is an abomination,and it suits well!
I LOVE all hacking world,but I NEVER played a SOOOO BAD Hack ROM.And just for clear things out...I like even that SMW hack that many says 'is flat' 'is lifeless' 'is boring' 'is repetitive'or some other heavy words that internet teach to us on various social network;where the only thing that you have to do is jumping on platform or enemies in the most repetitive way can be ever created:even that is acceptable for me and worth of 3-4 stars of voting,but Highland...
I'll remember of this horrible thing every time in my life I'll hear te word 'Highland' 'Wasteland'(the most accurate way to call this hack,for me)or similar...
1 star is a compliment as valutation,for me...if you can't finish a game for the bad status of a rom-ISO,is unworthy to be exist...and this hack is absolutely impossibile to clear,useless you have the patience to get the 1000G-platinum trophy on Star Ocean The Last Hope (and International version)(1000 hours of gameplay to get that,if someone doesn't know that yet...)
I REALLY HOPE that someone in the world will NEVER,EVER CREATE something like this again...
I was enthusiastic of this,but I begin this and...on 1-1 I already left.
Reason=I never seen something SO BAD on a platform videogame,on 30 years of my life!
He's right on beginning message,is an abomination,and it suits well!
I LOVE all hacking world,but I NEVER played a SOOOO BAD Hack ROM.And just for clear things out...I like even that SMW hack that many says 'is flat' 'is lifeless' 'is boring' 'is repetitive'or some other heavy words that internet teach to us on various social network;where the only thing that you have to do is jumping on platform or enemies in the most repetitive way can be ever created:even that is acceptable for me and worth of 3-4 stars of voting,but Highland...
I'll remember of this horrible thing every time in my life I'll hear te word 'Highland' 'Wasteland'(the most accurate way to call this hack,for me)or similar...
1 star is a compliment as valutation,for me...if you can't finish a game for the bad status of a rom-ISO,is unworthy to be exist...and this hack is absolutely impossibile to clear,useless you have the patience to get the 1000G-platinum trophy on Star Ocean The Last Hope (and International version)(1000 hours of gameplay to get that,if someone doesn't know that yet...)
I REALLY HOPE that someone in the world will NEVER,EVER CREATE something like this again...

Yoshi's Island Flash

Yoshi's Island Rave
Shuffle Regular Stages - Scrambles what is in which regular level (including the numbered levels, the pyramid, desert, and hands. Add Lost Levels - Adds 8 lost levels from the original ROM that were left by the designers (and just not included in the game). Attempting the Wind Waker Zelda Randomizer, which has been way more fun than I thought! Here I've turned off all long side quests (so they don't yield essential items) but Platforms, Submarines, Treasure Charts and all that crap are still in the mix.