Yoshi's Island The Cave Of The Mystery Maze

World 2 is the second world of the game Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3. It consists of 10 levels, and like every other world, it has six regular levels, a Fort, a Castle, an extra level, the Scratch and Match Bonus Game, and a secret level. Most of the levels in the world are set on forested mountains or in dusky uplands.

Woooo! Been a while since my last update. It is not easy keeping the story interesting, because many stories loses their humor after quite a while. I am trying to avoid that. But this world don't have many interesting thing to talk about. I really am looking forward to world 3. Please enjoy anyways.


Chapter 16: Mystery of the Maze Cave

The sky turned pink as the sun began to fall in the horizon, yet Brown Yoshi continued to move on with the baby. He was walking along the green meadow until he came across a dead end.

'Where am I supposed to go!' exclaimed Brown Yoshi. He looked at the baby as if he had the answer.

'dow.' said the baby.

'What's that's supposed to mean!'

Brown Yoshi looked to his feet when he felt that he stepped on to something strange.

'I can break these!' exclaimed the Yoshi. He carelessly did a hard ground pound and fell down to the seemingly endless pit. He landed on the ground VERY hard. *

'Ouch.' muttered the Yoshi in pain, as he landed directly on his behind very hard. He can barely get up because of the pain.

'I hope my egg laying ability is not damaged.' said the Yoshi as he rubbed his behind and groaned in pain.


The toadies were floating across the sky, waiting for the transmitter to sound. Carl and Mitch were singing together in unison.

'Oh! The wheel on the bus go round and round-'

'Will you two just shut up!' screamed Bob at the singing pair. 'I'm tired of hearing you sing that song.'

'We're just bored.' said Carl.

'Yeah, been a while since the transmitter sounded.' said Mitch.

'Want to annoy Kamek?' said Carl.

'I'm on probation because of what I said to him. If I bother him again I will be fired.' said Bob.

'Tough luck.' said Mitch surprised.

All three toadies sighed in boredom.

Back to Brown Yoshi….

Brown Yoshi began his search to look for a door. His behind still hurts, but he ignored the pain. Brown Yoshi saw a pile of daisies on the ground.

'How can flowers grow in a place without sunlight?' wondered the Yoshi. He looked closer at the daises and sneezed. The flower blew away revealing a shy guy. The shy guy stood completely still. The shy guy still though he was a pile of daises as he held on to a single flower.

'Hello?' said the Yoshi waving his hands on the shy guy's face. The shy guy made no response.

'Dude, the Yoshi sees you.' said another shy guy who also hid in the daises.

'Be quiet, the Yoshi might notice me.' whispered the shy guy who lost his daises.

'He is staring right at you.'

'I know, but he doesn't know I'm a shy guy hiding in a pile of daises.'

'Dude, the Yoshi blew the flowers away.'

The clueless shy guy looked at himself and saw that the daises were blown away.

'Retreat!' said the shy guy. The two shy guys ran away.

Brown Yoshi continued his search until he came across a hovering cloud. The Yoshi had no egg, so he had to look for some. He came across another pile of daises. He swallowed the pile. He looked at the other pile.

'Don't eat me, I'm just a pile of daises.' said the 'pile of daises.'

'No you're not.' responded the Yoshi.

'Oh yes I am, look I am doing photosynthesis.' said the pile of daises.

'But there's no sun.'

'Just don't eat me.'

Brown Yoshi decided to leave the shy guy alone. He only needed one egg to break the cloud. He went back to the hovering cloud and hit it with his egg. A door appeared and Brown Yoshi entered it.

He was in a dark and foggy cave. The air was very humid, which is disturbing to the Yoshi. Not much happened in the cave except that he had to dodged the walking cannon.

'Since when cannons walk!' yelled the Yoshi as he tried to jump over the walking cannon. The silent cannon only continued to shoot at the Yoshi. The cannon shot the Yoshi and the baby flew out of the Yoshi's back.

'Come back!' cried out the Yoshi. He tried to jump for the baby, but the cannon kept striking the Yoshi. The toadies heard the signal and rushed to the baby. Brown Yoshi saw the Toadies and rushed to the baby, but the cannon followed behind and hit the Yoshi.

'I got the baby!' cried out Bob.

Bob began to break dance in the air as Carl grabbed the baby from him. The toadies flew away from the Yoshi.

'Nooooooooo!' cried out Brown Yoshi.

Brown Yoshi began to follow the toadies. The Bob and Mitch covered their ears from the baby's screech, but Carl had to endure it.

'Will you shut up baby!' cried out Carl. The baby only wailed louder. Bob suddenly stopped.

'How did we get in this cave?' asked Bob.

'I don't know, I forgot.' said Carl.

'We just rushed into the cave, we must have not paid attention.' said Mitch.

The toadies began to circle around and panic.

'Where's the way out!' cried out Carl.

'Try to remember!' screamed Bob. Bob smacked Carl in the head.'Do you remember now!' said Bob.

'No.' responded Carl.

'Mitch do you-'

Don't hit me, I don't know the exit!' cried out Mitch.

The toadies were screaming and panicking so loudly that Brown Yoshi heard them from across the cave. Brown Yoshi swallowed a near by shy guy and hit Carl with the egg. The baby flew out of Carl's hand and the Yoshi quickly grabbed the baby. Brown Yoshi ran away.

'Great going, we lost the baby.' said Bob. 'It's your fault for not paying attention Carl!' 'What did I do, you were the first on to rush!' responded Carl.


'Guys, we should really try to find a way out of this cave instead of arguing.' said Mitch.

Brown Yoshi finally left the cave, after following the toadies. He jumped on the platform that hovered above the lake. A fish popped up the water and sprayed water at the Yoshi. The Yoshi fell on the water.

The fish were laughing and pointing at the Yoshi. The Yoshi swam across the lake and stuck out his long tongue at the fish.

Brown yoshi saw the row of trees and ran towards Pink Yoshi who was lying on the grass and staring at the sky.

'Here's the baby.' said Brown Yoshi.

'What took so long!' screamed Pink Yoshi.

Brown Yoshi handed the baby to Pink Yoshi. She grabbed the baby and placed it on her back.

'See you.' waved Brown Yoshi.


* I actually did this in the game. I just went to very right of the thing and ground pound ALL the way to the bottom and I thought, that should hurt the yoshi, A LOT. Especially if he fell down that far. I can't imagine landing on your butt that hard.

Color of the day: Brown

Brown is the color of the earth. It suggests richness, politeness, helpfulness and effectiveness. Brown Yoshi is really a nice guy. He will help anyone out and he does have good manners, only in front of the adult Yoshis. He normally don't like being rude, but he can still be provoked, especially but that annoying Pink Yoshi.

Haninator: You're an honor student? I am, I am taking AP physics and AP English 12 next year. (This proves my love of writing.) I could have taken AP calculus, but I replaced it with physics. You take Spanish 4? I can already speak, talk, and read Spanish! I am a Spanish native speaker, so I take Italian 3 because it is a lot like Spanish.

IF you have a you tube account or ever get one, you can add me. I have the same user name. Starrgrl24. Or, just check it out. Youtube is fun!!!!

Same for those people reading this. ^_^

Go class of 2010!

Where's my other reviewers?

Read the comic! I have the link on my FF profile! I know I said this before, but I just love it and want to share it with people.